niedziela, 1 kwietnia 2012

REVIEW #22 - Swipe by Evan Angler

TITLE: Swipe
AUTHOR: Evan Angler
GENRE: dystopia
SOURCE: NetGalley

Logan Langley is just months away from his thirteenth birthday and the biggest day of his life- the day he will finally be Marked. The Mark lets people get jobs, vote, and even go out to eat or buy concert tickets.

Becoming Marked means becoming free. Or so he is told. Five years ago when Logan's sister went to get her Mark she never came back. Now Logan can't shake the feeling he's being watched...

And then he finds the wire.


Both blurb, title and trailer of this book are extremely intriguing and promising. Unfortunately, the book has its flaws that spoiled the pleasure of reading it, but still - a pretty solid read.

I found the double meaning of swipe in the title very clever - it means "to swipe" the mark in various deviced to get access to something or it can mean a person being swiped, as in MIA.

Although the premise was so good and the writing was strong, it took me a while to get used to characters and the story. Sometimes I just fall in love unconditionally with a book - and that wasn't the case. The pace is not really slow - even if the story could be nudged forward a step or two at times - but it's not enough to keep the reader engaged. I wish the whole book was as action-packed and engaging as the last 20% of it was. I swear, by the time the action was in full swing, I couldn't put Swipe down!

The story follows two kids - Logan (most of the time) and Erin, but there are other points of views thrown here and there. I feel that 3rd person POV didn't work in Swipe - it rendered the story emotionless, prone to info dumps. I don't mind emotionless on surface but with hidden emotions (I often felt this way with Hunger Games trilogy because of Katniss, who surpassed her own feelings in order to survive). Swipe lacks it.

The characters - especially Logan - were interesting, but underdeveloped. I'd love to look deeper into Logan's head, to see his fears and paranoia. 

Swipe is definitely a book dedicated to younger readers. I didn't feel connected to the characters because there weren't any emotions coming from them. It was a constant action or dialogue and no character development whatsoever, and I appreciate those in books the most.

It doesn't make Swipe a bad book - I think that my younger students might love it! I'd recommend it to teenagers around Logan's age - 13.

Overall rating:
3 out of 5 stars

4 komentarze:

  1. I've actually never heard of this book before but I understand where you're coming from. I need to be vested in the book 100 percent of the time, otherwise, I give up too easily.

    Great review. Sorry it didn't work out so well for you.

  2. Thanks for the review! I really want to read this book so I might still give it a go despite the flaws you mentioned :)

  3. Is this one from a Christian publisher? I think I remember seeing it before and I wasn't sure about it, but then I remembered that I think it was from one of the Christian publishers. It sounds semi-interesting, but it just wasn't quite enough to tempt me; and from your review I don't think I regret that too much.

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

  4. Hi there!

    First, I wanted to thank you for the great review! SWIPE sounds interesting, I will have to check it out on goodreads and maybe add it to my to-read pile!

    Also, I am your newest blog follower through GFC and NetworkedBlogs! I would love it if you came by my blog and did the same!

    Are you a teacher? I teach as well! I noticed in your review you said something about "your students" so I was just curious if you are in the education field.

    Anyway, Best Wishes!

    The Muses Circle


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